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Thursday, 11 December 2008

Did I mention

At the moment, it's 8:51 pm, and according to the Weather Channel's Vista sidebar gadget (which isn't quite the same thing as WeatherEye, but whatever) it's -27C. If we're lucky, we'll make it up to -16C tomorrow. Although the wind is picking up...

Not that you hear me complaining. I'm not. But I am going to Mountain Equipment Co-op to buy one of those over-the-face neoprene scary Hannibal-Lechter-looking mask things.


D. Sky Onosson said...

I heard a meteorologist saying that the official Winnipeg temperature, recorded at the airport, is quite possibly 2 or 3 degrees colder than what it is downtown. Hope that helps you feel warmer!

Rob Hagiwara said...

I did notice, back when I was young and new to Winnipeg and spent many happy hours watching the weather feed on Shaw 48 that the airport and Forks temps were often non-identical. I don't know where my weather feed gets its information, just "Winnipeg". There was another service where you could choose the airport or the Forks. I usually chose the Forks because of the proximity. But whatever. Tonight is a balmy -9.