So here's how things are going.
Bought an iPad Mini to replace the iPad that died three (or more?) years ago. Which is a lucky thing because last night, my only functioning computer, which is the Surface Laptop, has been making scary fan noises, off and on. Started while ago, went away for a few weeks, and came back this week. So fortunately I was able to Zoom from the iPad and not all was awful.
Last couple days, I assume because of the rain, I've lost power at least twice. Once sometime while I was asleep Tuesay night/Wednesday morning (I know because the thermostat had turned itself off, and the range and microwave clocks were (are) blinking at me. Then just as we were coming to the end of today's Zoom, it went out again. At least it was at the end of the meeting and not the middle.
So now the question is should I replace the dead desktop so I can work again, hopefully with somethng that will run a webcam if it ever has to, or do I replace the perfectly healthy, as far as I can tell, except for the scary, scrapy fan noises, laptop? And if so, can I do it in the next week, so I can burn through some professional development funds rather than spend another $1000 on replacement technology for the second time in two weeks?
Oh, and I've gotten frantic texts from Facebook, Amazon, and Google that some of my passwords have appeared in a databreach. So I guess this is a cue to change all my passwords. Including the ones that must be 6-8 digits, that must be 8-12 characters, that must be at least 10 characters, must include letters and digits but the first one must be a letter, must include a capital letter, a lower case letter, a digit, and a special character (selected from .,!?* or _, or from !#$%^&*()<>.) And of course I should have different passwords on every application.
Ah, well, at least I don't teach again until January.