Well, not quite all fronts, but things are going okay this week.
In spite of a sore back (for which I blame Bridge Pose in yoga last week), I've been out for a couple of walks, enjoying the sunshine and the rain. I've cooked a couple of serious meals, and am gearing up for a good Sauce session, probably on Friday. The Blood Pressure is 'under control', as is the diet and the sugars and most all else. The new Drug is having its desired anti-anxiety effect, and sleep is occurring acceptably.
The outer structure (i.e. walls and ceiling) of the new lab are done, carpet is on the way, booth is on the way, so probably by end-June I'll be setting up a lab. Woo hoo. Sometime between now and then I'll be moving offices. To which office I'm not sure. I had a choice, I made a choice, my Head said he'd work on it, and all I know is that at some point I'll have to move. I plan to spend most of my time in the lab anyway.
And today, my long awaited paper has come out. Bless CJL. "(in press)" now becomes "51.2/3, pp: 127-141, 2007." Yee haw.
So I have three weeks or so to decide whether I'm moving this year. Don't wanna bother, but if I tried, I could probably save myself a couple hundred a month in rent. Which could go toward eventually getting me into the townhouse of my dreams. Or I could just be more careful and not have to move. Indolence works, a lot of the time.
Plan today is to finish up, swing by Canadian Tire and find something that will hold up a parachute hammock I bought two years ago (I'm thinking strappy thingies for the railing of my balcony) and I'll spend part of the evening reading and catching up on stuff at home, perhaps a-hammock. If my back can take it. We'll see. But I'm not going to spend another summer not using my balcony, and the only thing my balcony is really useful for is my hammock.
So anyway, things are going pretty well.
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