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Monday, 27 October 2008

Homey don't play dat.

But it's soon to be Halloween. Aside from this being the Week of the Unpleasant Medical Procedure (about which more after it happens and I have something to talk about), I have about a dozen things which must happen between now and Friday close-of-biz. But Friday will be Halloween, and I don't do Halloween. Much to the chagrin of the endocrinologist and the nutritionist, I often do the day after Halloween, which means going to the store and looting through all the leftover Halloween candy.

But anyway, I invite all of you who do do Halloween, and particularly those of you who do Halloween and are fans of the 30-second bunny film re-enactments, to visit the Bun-o-ween sound board.

If you don't know about 30-second bunnies, please see their website.

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